Call for a United Nations Panel on Parental Alienation





Dated: 27th June 2018




Letter in Support: We will be heard, 27th June UN



We support Mark in his efforts to reunite with his Chinese daughter and his petition before the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, OHCHR, United Nations.


We are joining our voice in calling for a bi-annual panel of worldwide experts on “Parental Alienation” to be held both here in New York City and Geneva, Switzerland. Focusing the world’s attention on this problem in societies around the globe, bringing forth current knowledge, solutions and countries response to what many call an epidemic, is what caring intelligent, peoples have done, do and will always do.


 We have likewise worked to educate, share knowledge, we are dedicated to the cause of Child Rights and Shared Parenting since 2005. Men welfare trust recognizes the serious effects of parental alienation on children due to single parent families on account of divorce or separation. Men welfare trust is committed to fight against alienating children from their parent(s) in the ever increasing divorce and separation, due to the current extremely poor family laws. Such laws are unconstitutional and are not only against Indian social and cultural values but also violate basic human rights.  We focus on furthering the rights of children to remain connected with both biological parents. We are a pro-family and a pro-life organization, our aims, objectives and goals based on research findings and are to promote family harmony in our society. We are a large group of people from all walks of life and working to address this burning issue in our society.






Thanking You,

Amit Lakhani

President, Men Welfare Trust (Regd. NGO)